- Maria Khachaturyan. Linguistic fieldwork
- Steven Moran. Quantitative methods (GitHub saugykla)
- Laura Gage. The ‘New’ New Zealand English: An Intergenerational Comparative Analysis of Te Reo Māori Loanwords and Pronunciation
- Axel Holvoet. From evaluative to deontic predication: Evidence for the grammaticalization path from clausal complementation strategies
- Ignas Rudaitis. Formal language theory: still relevant in 2024?
- Lidia Mazzitelli:
- Daria Alfimova. Almost parallel translations as a comparative tool: Baltic flagging in diachrony
- Anna Daugavet. Past active participles in Baltic: between evidential and perfect (a LiLa-based study)
- Gerhard Edelmann. The tenses of the past in Indo-European languages (Romance, Germanic and Balto-Slavic): The development of the analytical perfect
- Axel Holvoet. Factuality effects and counterfactivity marking with event modals; Unanchoring in grammar: tense, aspect, mood
- Danguolė Kotryna Kapkan. BE perfects and grammaticalization in Bulgarian and Lithuanian: A study based on data from Facebook comments
- Gilles Authier:
- Östen Dahl:
- Eitan Grossman:
- A brief overview of diachronic typology
- Agentive nominalizations are a great idea, but not universal: Towards a diachronic typology
- Learnability and language change: A usage-based approach
- Shira Tal, Kenny Smith, Jennifer Culbertson, — & Inbal Arnon. The impact of information structure on the emergence of differential object marking: an experimental study
- Thoughts on the grammar of the body
- Guglielmo Inglese:
- Anzhalika Dubasava. On „vitality” of primary Latvian verbs: a pilot diachronic study
- Tamaz Devidze. The valency of a verb and interchange case forms in old Georgian
- David Iobidze. The syntactic function of the adverbial case and the issue of formal agreement in Old Georgian
- Vladimir Panov. Reconciling typology, general linguistics and linguistic anthropology: Points of interdisciplinary dialogue
- Anna Daugavet, Peter Arkadiev, What is left behind the scenes: non-trivial uses of the Latvian perfect
- Axel Holvoet, Anna Daugavet, Liina Lindström, Asta Laugalienė, Types of irrealis in Baltic and Fennic
- Axel Holvoet, Gina Kavaliūnaitė, The Lithuanian mirative present
- Axel Holvoet, Anna Daugavet, Vaiva Žeimantienė, The perfective present in Lithuanian
- Kirill Kozhanov, Verbal modifiers in contact: a study of parallel Latvian and Latvian Romani texts
- Nicole Nau, Birutė Spraunienė, Future as a narrative tense?
- Vladimir Panov, Aspect in the Lithuanian imperative: a typological view
- Birutė Spraunienė, Paweł Brudzyński, The Lithuanian passive perfect
- Axel Holvoet, The Baltic Verb Project: Summing up
- Sonia Cristofaro, What you see is not what you get: Implicational universals in diachronic perspective
- Östen Dahl, Directionals and perfectivity
- Östen Dahl, Perfects and iamitives in typological perspective: some recent developments
- Eitan Grossman, Is there a universal basic consonant inventory?
- Eitan Grossman, Experimenting on the past: why don’t grammaticalization pathways always recur?
- Kees Hengeveld, The classification of adverbs
- Kees Hengeveld, The typology of parts-of- speech systems
- Anna Daugavet, Daros un ņemos: an antipassive-based construction in Latvian
- Jurgis Pakerys,Counting Lithuanian conjugations
- Ignas Rudaitis,Similarity scores within adjacent phoneme pairs show a weakly bimodal distribution
- Danguolė Straižytė,A look at Lithuanian nomina loci
- Aleksey Andronov Sound harmony vs pitch accent and the Eurasian Linguistic Area
- Armoškaitė Solveiga Lithuanian events and entities: The rise of evaluative interpretations
- Bružaitė-Liseckienė Justina Influence of Russian as L1 on object marking in Lithuanian as L2
- Daugavet Anna Segment-tone interaction in the Baltic languages
- Yuliya Domitrak Vocabulary of the Polish dialects in Braslaw Region in regard to frequency: A rivalry between the native and the borrowed forms
- Axel Holvoet & Anna Daugavet Absolute concessive imperatives: A cross-linguistic constructional idiom
- Nicole Nau, Liina Lindström, Asta Laugalienė & Paweł Brudzyński The TAKE and V construction in Baltic, Fennic and Slavic
- Anna Smirnitskaya From kinship terms to emotive interjections: The typology of one semantic shift in Dravidian and Indo-European languages
- Fred Landman Mountain semantics; Iceberg semantics; Mess mass, measures, and portions
- Susan Rothstein Numbers; Counting Measuring and Approximation
- Jurģis Šķilters Representing space in Region Connection Calculus (Handout)
- Anna Daugavet On subjects of modal verbs in Latvian. A corpus based study of the debitive vs vajadzēt
- Gintaras Dautartas Methods of cognitive linguistic critical discourse analysis with Atlas.ti
- Anžalika Dubasava Towards a Practical Accentuation of Lithuanian Nouns
- Axel Holvoet How do non-directive imperatives arise?
- Vladimir Panov Clustering of sentence-level grammatical elements (clitics): cross-linguistic evidence
- Ignas Rudaitis Artificial learners of morphology
Senųjų raštų dirbtuvės
- Everita Andronova The Corpus of Early Written Latvian (XVI – XVIII c.)
- Paweł Brudzyński Uses of morphological causatives in Chyliński Bible
- Gina Kavaliūnaitė Editing Old Lithuanian texts. The case of the Chylinski Bible
- Felix Thies The influence of the language of Martin Luther on the Eastern European languages (Handout)
- Sonia Cristofaro Typology and Diachrony I, II, III, IV
- Claire Moyse-Faurie:
- Valency, Voice and Lexical Categories (VVLC): Different perspectives
- VVLC: The MPI Valency Classes Project
- VVLC: Verb classes
- VVLC: Lability (uncoded valency alternations)
- VVLC: Ergativity, ergative splits and pragmatic considerations
- VVLC: Valency-decreasing derivations
- VVLC: Valency-decreasing derivations (suite)
- VVLC: Valency-increasing strategies
- Johan van der Auwera Negation I, II, III, IV, V
- Anna Daugavet Deontic and dynamic necessity in Latvian
- Axel Holvoet Mirative imperative
- Evgeniya Budennaya Pronoun expansion in Russian and Latvian
- Natalia Alpateva Translation of polysemic lexemes
- Nicole Nau Clause combining in Latvian and Latgalian
- Kees Hengeveld Introduction to Functional Discourse Grammar
- Seppo Kittilä Differential object marking; Decreasing and increasing valency; Causatives I, II, III
- Axel Holvoet Some typologically interesting middle-voice grams in Baltic: Deobjectives, deaccusatives & Co, Permissives and curatives
- Peter Arkadiev Borrowed Morphology
- Jurgis Pakerys The rise of dative in the Baltic periphrastic permissive constructions
- Kirill Kozhanov Lithuanian and Latvian Romani: Between Slavic and Baltic
- Peter Arkadiev & Anna Daugavet The perfect in Lithuanian and Latvian: a contrastive and comparative study
- Siwaporn Boonruang Phraseological units of head and its parts in the comparison with Russian and Thai languages
- Sonya Oskolskaya Actionality of Nanai verbs
- Vladimir Panov Sentence Final Particles: Typology and Areal Distribution
- Axel Holvoet Control properties in transitive motion verb constructions in Baltic
- Peter Arkadiev Argument Realisation and Clausal Architecure in Baltic
- Nicole Nau The VARGReB project: Summing-up and Outlook I, II, III
- Andres Karjus Corpus-Supported Linguistic Research
- Östen Dahl Tense, Aspect, Mood and Evidentiality (TAME) I, II (1) (2), III, IV, V, VI
- Anna Kibort:
- The argument structure of causatives
- Polish constructions with intermediary agents
- The syntactic Rubin’s Vase: inherent ambiguity of the active and the passive impersonal
- Vladimir Panov Towards a Typology of Inflectional Classes
- Axel Holvoet The scope of the middle voice in Baltic
- Peter Arkadiev, Jurgis Pakerys Corpus-research of morphological causatives
- Rolandas Mikulskas Subjecthood in specificational copular constructions in Lithuanian
- Nicole Nau Agent Nouns and Valency in Latvian
- Natalia Perkova Latvian causatives in -ināt
- Benita Riaubienė Secondary resultative predication in Baltic languages
- Peter Arkadiev Semantics of Case
- Kasper Boye Complementizers. I, II, III
- Kasper Boye What is Grammaticalization. I, II, III
- Kasper Boye What is a Grammatical Expression. I, II, III
- Axel Holvoet Vocatives in Baltic
- Agata Kochanska Grounding
- Agata Kochanska The Usage-Based Approach to Language
- Agata Kochanska Cognitive Grammar and Speech Acts
- Peter Arkadiev Typology of Alignment
- Peter Arkadiev Typology of Case Systems
- Axel Holvoet External Possession Reconsidered – Evidence from Latvian Spatial Expressions
- Axel Holvoet Interpretive Use Marking in Grammar and the Lexicon
- Axel Holvoet Obliqueness and Grammatical Relations
- Vladimir Plungian The Perfect Cross-Linguistically: What is Wrong?
- Mirjam Fried Introduction to Construction Grammar. I, II, III, III-data, IV, IV-data, V
- Axel Holvoet Semantic Maps at Work. Interpretive Deontics
- Jadwiga Linde Syntactic Structure and Information Structure
- Vladimir Plungian Typology of Aspectual Systems
- Ekaterina Rakhilina Construction Grammar at Work. Vertical Level-Constructions.
- Russian Depictives as Constructions. О семантических переходах в качественных прилагательных.
- Paweł Rutkowski Article languages and non-article languages: a typological parameter with wider implications?
- Anna Daugavet Looking for the Finnic trace in the phonology of Latvian dialects
- Norbert Ostrowski On the origin of the Lithuanian prefix tebe-
- Ilja Seržant North Russian perfect with non-canonical subject
- Axel Holvoet Syntactic Relations 1: In search of elementary units
- Axel Holvoet Syntactic Relations 2: Headedness
- Axel Holvoet Syntactic Relations 3: Morphosyntactic relations
- Jadwiga Linde-Usiekniewicz Constituency and Information Structure
- Nicole Nau Clause combining 1: Introduction, classification
- Nicole Nau Clause combining 2: Parameters, continua
- Nicole Nau Clause combining 3: Semantic and pragmatic aspects
- Paweł Rutkowski Phrase Structure in Generative Theory 1: Clausal Architecture
- Paweł Rutkowski Phrase Structure in Generative Theory 2: Nominal Architecture
- Anna Daugaviete Iš Baltijos kalbų prozodijos problemų
- Kristina Lenartaitė Sintaksinės alternacijos: derivacinės ir nederivacinės interpretacijos
- Jurgis Pakerys Derivational resultatives in Lithuanian
- Ilja Seržant Partitive genitive as Subject case – marking in Indo-European and its later development in Baltic and East Slavic
- Nikita Suprunčuk Роль парадигмы в определнии рода русских существительных
- Kasper Boye Grammatical expressions and grammaticalization – A Functional Theory
- Kasper Boye Cross-linguistic categories – and how to identify them
- Axel Holvoet Gramatinės funkcijos. Klausimai ir užduotys
- Axel Holvoet Grammatical categories in Lithuanian
- Vitas Labutis Gabenimo veiksmažodžių valentingumas bei junglumas kalbėtojo funkcinės gramatikos požiūriu
- Benita Lašinytė Strategies for encoding secondary resultative predication in the languages of Europe
- Kristina Lenartaitė Tiesioginiai ir netiesioginiai objektai
- Jadwiga Linde Introduction to Frame Semantics
- Jurgis Pakerys Būtinųjų predikatyvų nominalizacija
- Vladimir Plungian Grammatical categories in discourse. General overview
- Vladimir Plungian Grammatical categories in discourse. The grammar of narratives: A closer look
- Ekaterina Rachilina Lexical Typology: Sounds
- Ekaterina Rachilina (with A. Bonch-Osmolovskaya, T. Reznikova) Metaphors of pain in a typological perspective: An update
- Paweł Rutkowski. Introduction to Generative Grammar:
- Axel Holvoet Sintaksinių ryšių tipai
- Axel Holvoet Santykis su tradiciniu sintaksinių ryšių skirstymu
- Axel Holvoet Sintaksiniai ryšiai ir gramatinės funkcijos